About Us


Beauty Salon

J.Beautio is an exclusive salon in Orange County, California dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in permanent makeup. Upscale and sophisticated, warm and welcoming, the environment is a reflection of the founder Jana herself.

The salon provides numerous permanent makeup and beauty services such as microblading, powder brows, lash lifts and skincare. The mission is quite simply to set the standard for attainable beauty and unsurpassed customer service.

About Jana

A natural perfectionist and specialist in detailed Hair Stroke Eyebrow work, Jana is a certified Phibrows Microblading artist and Powder Brow artist.

Having both a creative and artistic skilled background, she realized permanent makeup was a profession in which she would excel. Because of her passion for helping people improve their self-confidence by bringing their inner beauty to the surface, she instantly fell in love with the art of microblading and permanent makeup. Jana is an expert at using her skills as an artist to create lasting beauty on her clients' faces. These procedures eliminate the need for applying as much makeup and streamlines the everyday "getting ready to face the world" routine. One of her favorite quotes is "the only way to great work is to love what you do". She maintains her status as a leader in the field by continually educating herself in permanent makeup and beauty industry trends.



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