

What is Microdermabrasion?

Simply put, microdermabrasion is a regimen that exfoliates the outer layers of skin cells. It is essentially a non-surgical, facial resurfacing technique. The layer of dead cells is removed (exfoliated and vacuumed away) with no discomfort, no pain, and no bleeding while revealing a layer of healthy and glowing skin underneath. This happens because of our body’s reaction to the procedure: when dead cells are removed, our body threats this as it would treat an injury and quickly replaces the vacuumed cells. This anti-aging procedure is considered to be one of the most non-invasive and result-oriented on the market today.

There are some cons related to the procedure and we are going to discuss them separately, but this procedure is so popular for a reason: those cons are really minor and hard to notice. The treatment is so non-invasive that can be done during your lunch break; you don’t have to clear your schedule and take days off work to heal. You’ll see results after the first procedure; your skin will be shiny and polished.


“Patients seeking a non-surgical method to rejuvenate and refresh their facial skin need look no further than microdermabrasion. It is also a great technique for deep pore cleaning so often a great treatment for acne”.

“Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure whereby the superficial layer of skin is exfoliated using either crystals or a wand containing diamond microparticles. Our office uses diamond microdermabrasion exclusively as the depth of penetration is well controlled and the complication rate is low to nonexistent. The effects of microdermabrasion are directly influenced by the skill of the practitioner. Microdermabrasion is an important method of reducing skin impurities, clogged pores, oily skin, and resurfacing superficial skin irregularities”.

Microdermabrasion will not eliminate deep creases, yet is recommended to treat superficial imperfections (lines and wrinkles). The procedure is designed to let your natural beauty shine, to rejuvenate your skin, to freshen and brighten the appearance of your skin, and to make it glow. Microdermabrasion brings back the younger version of you; It does not make a new plastic one.That has to be understood for you not to feel mislead by this amazing skin treatment.

So, here are the main widely known benefits of the treatment stated both by doctors and/or aestheticians and consumers:

Polished skin

We’ve all noticed that beautiful healthy skin glow that celebrities proudly wear. This is a sure way to achieve that. Dead skin cells tend to pile up under the skin leaving it dry, uneven and flaky. When products like foundation, highlighter, bronzer, blush, or powder is applied to skin in such condition, it enhances and makes all the problem areas even more noticeable. When the dirt, clogged pores, dead skin cells are exfoliated and vacuumed away you are left with that Hollywood polished skin look.

All inclusive.

All of us have different types of skin. There is the dry, the oily, the combination type of skin, the normal, the sensitive, the young, the old, the in-the-middle, and the with and without acne skin. The list can go on and on. Usually, this means that there are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration before ever recommending something as simple as a daily day cream. This procedure, however, is recommended for all skin types and even for those of us with skin conditions such as acne.

Reduces puffiness and under-eye wrinkles.

Microderm treatment ensures better skin hydration and stimulates blood flow, which can combat mild under-eye wrinkles and puffiness.

Battles Acne.

Essentially, acne is clogged pores plus bacteria and oil build up all resulting in pus formation. Microdermabration unclogs those pores and cleans the skin so it can heal. The effect microdermabrasion has on acne is one of its best features, and is beneficial to all of us.

Activation of creams and serums.

Unclogging the pores, vacuuming away the dead skin and make-up dirt pile-up layer actually clears the way for those very important oils and vitamins, that much-needed retinol that is in your ridiculously expensive anti-wrinkle cream. Product can actually be absorbed by the clean skin and not just sit on top of the dead skin and dirt layer. With microdermabrasion there is no need whatsoever to change your skin care routine, whatever you were doing - keep it up, the treatment can only make it better.

May just be a remedy for your pores.

Large pores are the worst. Makeup makes them more visible, and at times it seems your blackheads can be seen from across the street. We have all fought and lost the big pores-bigger blackheads battle - usually all we are left with after trying to clean the pores and remove blackheads is red, irritated skin. With microdermabrasion removing the dead skin layer and boosting new skin growth, huge pores and blackheads become a distant memory. If you have dirt clogging your pores and making them expand, the only thing for them to do is shrink.

No side effects and no allergic reactions.

You might not like this treatment because of the unrealistic expectations, price, and commitment you need to take care of your skin (the number of recommended sessions usually varies from 6 to 10), but rest assured that you can stop the treatment at any time with no side effects whatsoever, making this a very safe procedure. You are getting all the perks of an intrusive abrasive skin rejuvenation treatment with the pain and side effects of an at-home facial scrub.

Result-oriented procedure.

You will see immediate results; there is no “wait until it heals” period. Your skin will feel softer with an immediate healthy glow. And what is even more surprising is that although the instant results are great, the long term results are even better - you should notice the best effects in a few days after the session.

Medical Contradictions

There aren’t many contraindications to microdermabrasion, but a few do exist. Diabetes is a contradiction, as is skin inflammation, bacterial, or viral skin infections (such as Measles, Herpes, Chickenpox and others). You need to wait at least two months after facial surgery to do microdermabrasion anything less than that is a contradiction. And that is all, folks!



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