Powder brows


  • Duration | 180 mins
  • Cost | $450
  • Follow up | 3-6 weeks

Phi powder brows is eyebrows shading technique performed with permanent make up machine inserting pigment into the upper dermis. This technique differs from microblading in that we create a misty, powder filled brow similar to the look of makeup, as opposed to simulated hair strokes and the pigment is inserted deeper into the skin. The tails of the brow are darker, and fade into a light start to the brow, giving that perfect soft ombre effect.


Benefits of Permanent Eyebrows

The benefits of permanent makeup include money saved by not having to buy as many different cosmetics on a regular basis. Another savings that should be taken into account is the time saved each day not having to apply makeup. In this case, the time it would take to pencil in and color the eyebrows each day can be considerable. Some older women with shaky hands or anyone with health issues that may hinder them from performing delicate hand strokes when applying makeup would benefit from permanent makeup.

Aftercare and healing

  • Day 1-2

Do nothing to your tattoo after the procedure. Ointment is applied to the area for you before you leave the salon. Color will appear darker and bolder in width.

  • Day 2-7

Wash eyebrows with a mild facial cleanser using clean hands. Let your eyebrows air dry 3-5 minutes before applying ointment. Be careful to fully dry and not trap any moisture between the tattoo and ointment. Exfoliation will begin causing excess pigment surrounding the eyebrows to flake away and the eyebrows will appear narrower.

  • Day 4-7

Apply ointment 5-7 times per day for a minimum of 7 days, longer if needed. Use a cotton tip applicator and massage the ointment into your eyebrow tattoo. Do not double dip the cotton tip applicator. Keeping your eyebrow tattoo moist with ointment will control the amount of drying, which will offer aid to color retention. Eyebrows may itch, this is a normal healing process- do not pick at the treatment area. Pigment will peel off and the eyebrows will appear softer.

Aftercare tips


  • No swimming, saunas, jacuzzi or heavy sweating for healing period of 7-9 days.
  • Refrain from hot steamy showers or long baths for he healing period.
  • When taking a shower keep your face away from the shower head.
  • Before entering the shower or bath apply a layer of ointment to protect the are from moisture.
  • Do not pick peel or scratch the area as this could cause scarring and removal of color.
  • Refrain from touching your tattoo except for cleansing purposes or applying ointment.
  • Touching the open skin with unwashed hands and fingers can easily cause a secondary infection.


How long does permanent makeup last?

Permanent makeup is not truly permanent as it will fade over time. Factors such as shade of pigmentation used, skin tone, overall health and skin care will determine fading results. Strict adherence to after care instructions and sunscreen must be used. A followup visit is necessary to implant pigmentation for longest lasting results.

Will the pigment used change color or fade at all?

Yes, colors will fade and soften over time. Touchups are necessary about every 12-18 months. Usually one touch up appointment is necessary.

When should a follow-up be scheduled?

Three- four weeks after first application. Expect permanent makeup to last between 3-7 years.

Optimal lasting results are obtained by scheduling quick touchups as needed.

Is the procedure painful?

No. Topical anesthetic is used for all procedures and has absolutely no adverse effects on final results.

How will I look immediately after the procedure?

Expect area to be dark for a few days. Final results will be desired in about 6 weeks.



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